4 Ways in which Women are Subconsciously Hiding from Real Love and Connection

One crucial phase that my clients go through on their journey towards creating healthy and fulfilling relationships in love and career that I don´t see many experts talking about is SOBERING. This is the phase where the initial euphoria of creating “your new Self” evaporates and you are faced with the reality of the present moment and the resurfacing patterns. … Continue reading4 Ways in which Women are Subconsciously Hiding from Real Love and Connection

Cultivating the Magic of Feminine Wisdom for Fulfilling Relationships

Emotional maturity is a practice and an art of the empowered woman. She knows herself so well that she easily translates her feelings and emotions into a fluent language of her own inner wisdom and then leverages her empowered inner husband who is at all times ready to support her and help her create an inner and outer environment that feels safe, secure, and nourishing. … Continue readingCultivating the Magic of Feminine Wisdom for Fulfilling Relationships